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Litigation Funding Blog

Texan Teacher Allegedly Directed Students to Attack Classmate

January 30, 2014

In Houston, Texas, an elementary school teacher allegedly instructed students in her class to beat a girl in their classroom.

The girl’s mother has filed a lawsuit against the teacher and others. The named defendants include the former school principal, Victor Nash, along with two teachers, Katrina Burnside and Nichole Hines.

The young victim was in the first grade when the incident took place in May of 2010. Allegedly, classmates severely beat the young girl while their teacher looked on. She was beaten so badly that she still requires ongoing inpatient mental health assistance and has difficulty dealing with the trauma.

Evidently, the victim had always struggled with cognitive issues and mental retardation. Her school’s environment was known to be hostile to children with behavioral issues. If a child did not understand something and/or misbehaved, he or she needed violent physical “discipline” to learn the lesson.

The young girl was trapped in a classroom of students with adult teachers who regularly incited other children to “discipline” such pupils. The evidence at trial targeted Nicohle Hines as the worst offender.

The school itself has been closed, and its teachers have been transferred to other locations. In the wake of this incident, it appears that neither Hines nor Burnside have been offered continued employment.

The mother’s lawsuit will eventually make its way through the courts. In the meantime, she will face ongoing medical expenses for rehabilitative therapies to help her daughter cope with mental anguish. This could prove a huge financial burden for the family, forcing them search for enough money to pay for regular expenses in addition to their medical bills.

Families with young children and/or children with disabilities are often pushed to their financial limits in ordinary circumstances. The added expense of mental health counselling could make their financial picture very bleak.

Such a family may wish to investigate litigation funding (also called pre-settlement funding or lawsuit cash advances). Litigation funding offer money to cash-strapped plaintiffs, allowing them to take care of their pressing bills. The relief of that burden lets them move forward with their lives and wait the necessary time that their case needs for resolution.

While a lawsuit cash advance is not for every plaintiff, many may find it an appealing option. The biggest benefit? Should a qualified plaintiff lose his or her case in court, he or she keeps the litigation funding, no strings attached.

Plaintiffs may wish to explore litigation funding among their options. It could well prove a saving grace in a difficult financial situation.

Carnival Accident Injures Five

January 15, 2014

The favorite carnival ride at the North Carolina State Fair was the one that flipped and twirled — until it critically injured five riders.

Fairgoers were happily roaming the grounds, daring one another to get on various rides. Among them, the “Vortex” was the most popular and the most “thrilling.” Late one evening, as several riders were dismounting with the assistance of a ride attendant, the Vortex started up again. The ride’s safety switch did not engage properly, and five people were injured as the ride began to move.

No one is certain exactly why the carnival ride sprang to life while the riders were dismounting.

Two individuals were seriously injured. Three sustained less serious wounds. The emergency response team arrived quickly and transported all five victims to the nearest medical facility. The injured riders ranged in age from 14 to 39. Eyewitnesses and those hurt expressed gratitude that the ride, at least, had not been upside down or in mid-flip when it malfunctioned.

Word went out that the North Carolina Labor Department would send a team of investigators to determine what went wrong. A malfunctioning or defective safety switch could have been to blame, so the switch was replaced and the ride reopened for business after testing.

Despite the malfunction, fair officials stressed that this incident is an isolated one and that safety is their first concern for patrons.

After such an incident, an investigation should closely examine any suspicion of negligence. If the carnival operator negligently maintained the ride or failed to inspect it (and its safety switch) regularly, the injured parties would have cause to file personal injury lawsuits. If the switch was defective, then the maker of that part of the ride would be named in a possible lawsuit along with the carnival company owners.

The two individuals with serious injuries will face enormous hospital bills. If their injuries alter their normal lifestyles, they may be unable to work, have to revamp their homes or require 24-hour care, medications and therapy. How will they pay their bills?

If they choose to hire a personal injury lawyer, they will be able to apply (online or by phone) to a litigation funding company for a lawsuit cash advance. Plaintiffs in sticky financial situations often struggle to pay their regular and extraordinary bills incurred from circumstances beyond their control. Pre-settlement funding can be a lifesaver.

Applicants for lawsuit loans do not have to have a job, go through any form of credit check, pay anything upfront or make monthly payments.

The injured party simply explains the nature of the case, provides the litigation funding representative with the name of his or her lawyer and waits for the application to be approved. It does not take long. Once approval is received, the lawsuit cash advance is sent directly to the victim’s bank account, to be used as he or she sees fit.

Litigation funding is not for everyone, but it is worth investigating if you face large medical bills you have no hope of paying while you wait for your lawsuit to be resolved.

Litigation Funding