Superstitious Teen Causes Three-Vehicle Accident After Holding Breath in Tunnel
It never ceases to amaze me what foolish things some people will do while driving a vehicle.
A 19-year-old Oregon man caused a three-vehicle accident after he lost consciousness and control of the car as he drove through a tunnel near Portland. The teen’s 1990 Toyota Camry drifted over the centerline and struck a Ford Explorer head-on. Both vehicles struck the walls of the tunnel before a pick-up truck slammed into the Camry. The teen told police he fainted after holding his breath while driving through a tunnel. Although it is unclear why he was holding his breath, state police said some people do it as part of a game or superstition. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured; no lives were lost.
Moving vehicles are not toys; they are not games. Far too often, young drivers choose to take risks and engage in dangerous activities while behind the wheel. When a driver makes such decisions s/he puts countless motorists, passengers, and pedestrians at risk and may be held liable for more than simply breaking the law. An attorney can help victims pursue compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. If medical expenses, lost wages, and daily-living expenses create an overwhelming financial burden, plaintiffs may be eligible for lawsuit funding.
Litigation Funding Corp. is a legal funding company that understands how difficult the litigation process can be especially if the bills are piling up. Insurance companies will even use the technique of dragging out a case, forcing the victim to settle for less than the actual value of the case. Litigation Funding Corp. can help plaintiffs get back on their feet and maintain financial stability. With our lawsuit cash advance program, plaintiffs have the ability to receive the highest possible settlement. Our “lawsuit loans” are based on the strength and merits of the case; not credit or employment history. Once an application is completed and approved, the lawsuit cash advance can be available within 24 hours.
If you were involved in an accident that resulted from another person’s negligence, you may be owed compensation. Whether you are uncertain of the cause of your accident or your accident is still under investigation, you could benefit from the help of an experienced auto accident attorney. Don’t assume your injuries and losses are not severe enough to warrant compensation; no auto accident should be taken lightly. Once you have filed a lawsuit, if you need immediate cash while your case is pending, take a moment to explore your options with Litigation Funding Corp.
Tags: Ford Explorer, funding, lawsuit funding, legal funding, Litigation Funding Corp.