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Why does a Plaintiff Involved in Personal Injury Litigation Need Lawsuit Funding?

Are you the victim of medical negligence? Have you filed a medical malpractice lawsuit, but it is taking more time to settle than you can financially bear? Just because you are seriously injured due to the negligence of someone else, doesn’t mean the bills stop coming in. If you are one of the many people injured in a medical malpractice accident each year and you need a lawsuit funding, Litigation Funding Corp may be your answer. Our lawsuit cash advances afford plaintiffs the staying power to ride out the rough times so that they can get the proper amount of money in their lawsuit.

Due to the complex nature of medical malpractice cases, the discovery process is often long and drawn out. Often times, plaintiffs simply do not have the financial resources to wait for years before being compensated. That was the case for 52-year-old woman who underwent surgery for block arteries. Improper surgical techniques during the procedure resulted in her blood pressure dropping for a prolonged period of time, depriving the woman’s organs of adequate blood supply. The surgeon’s negligence left the woman a paraplegic. A two-year long medical malpractice lawsuit resulted in a $2.5 million award. A lawsuit cash advance, helped lessen the financial burdens this woman was facing while providing time for her attorney to obtain maximum compensation. It didn’t matter that she was unable to work because lawsuit funding is provided strictly on the strength of a case. Furthermore, there are no monthly payments so nothing was repaid until her case settled.

Are you are in a similar situation and don’t want financial issues forcing you to settle too soon for too little? If you need a way to pay living expenses while pursuing your right to justice, contact a legal funding expert, call our office or visit us online. We would be happy to review your case and see if we can help you avoid draining your financial resources to the point of accepting a low settlement. Cash advances are provided on a non-recourse basis meaning that if an advance is made, but nothing is recovered, you are not required to re-pay the advance.

Why wait months or years to get money from your settlement? Apply for lawsuit funding and pay your bills in less than 48 hours.

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Litigation Funding