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Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed After Man Falls from Plane

Pre-settlement funding is ideal for cases where the loss of the family bread-winner could crush the family, financially, before they ever get to the litigation finish line.

A passenger on a flight from Brooklyn to Grinnell Regional Airport was killed after being “sucked” out of the aircraft. His widow has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the skydiving company and pilot alleging that the parachute her husband was required to wear as a safety precaution ended up killing him.

The victim was flying as part of a plan to have maintenance done on the aircraft. Although he was not skydiving, he was told to wear a parachute because the aircraft had no passenger seats and the door was going to be open for the brief flight. During the flight, the chute deployed inside the aircraft. When the wind caught the parachute, the man was “sucked” out of the plane. The lawsuit alleges that he would not have been pulled from the plane and died had he not been required to wear a parachute. The suit alleges the aircraft was not in compliance with federal regulations. Under federal law, planes can be flown without doors specifically for skydiving; this plane was not being used for that purpose. The claim also alleges that the pilot failed to provide a pre-flight briefing, which could have included safety equipment information.

Families like this one often turn to an experienced legal finance company for the financial assistance they need to get through the long, legal process and to achieve true justice in their cases. Pre-settlement funding is money given in advance of an expected settlement or jury verdict to help pay the bills and expenses, remove any financial pressure to settle too early for too little, continue to provide interim financial assistance, if needed, and permit the family to wait out the legal process for a fair and equitable settlement or a trial in the case. With a lawsuit cash advance, personal injury plaintiffs no longer have to cave in to the insurance company because of financial difficulties caused by an accident.

Pre-settlement lawsuit funding is easy to apply for, requires no credit check or employment history, no upfront fees or costs, and no monthly payments. Once an applicant is approved, the cash advance can be available for use within 24-48 hours. Lawsuit funding is contingent upon the outcome of the case – if the case is successful, the funding company is repaid the principal plus profit. If the case fails, the repayment is waived. Call 1-866-548-3863 or visit our website for a free, no-obligation consultation or to apply.

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Litigation Funding