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Patient Alleges Stroke During Surgery the Result of Medical Negligence

Warren Carter, New Orleans resident, first experienced chest pains in 2003. He was initially diagnosed at Oschner Health Center as suffering from acid reflux. In 2004, still having medical issues, Mr. Carter sought further medical advice from another hospital and doctor. This time doctors told him he required urgent heart surgery to deal with blocked heart arteries.

In 2009 Mr. Carter changed insurance companies and began seeing Dr. Shelton Barnes at Touros Infirmary. Barnes allegedly did not offer Carter specialized cardiac aftercare, and Carter’s chest pains soon returned. Barnes then referred Carter to another cardiac surgeon, a Dr. Michael B. Jones.

Jones diagnosed Carter with coronary artery disease and recommended surgery, which they booked for September 10, 2013. In the middle of the operation, Mr. Carter sustained a stroke. Carter filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the surgeon, suggesting Jones was negligent and had not adhered to the accepted standard of medical care. The stroke completely incapacitated Carter’s left side and caused him severe pain.

The lawsuit seeks damages for the lack of accepted care and treatment leading up to Carter’s stroke and compensation for loss of society, companionship and consortium for Carter’s wife. Given the number of surgeries and the kind of care that Mr. Carter was receiving, the family’s medical bills would be extremely high. One of the best ways for the Carters to finance their costs would be to apply for litigation funding. A lawsuit loan is emergency funding sent to an approved plaintiff that allows immediate payment of medical bills and funds for the duration of a journey to trial or settlement.

This pre-settlement funding, allows a plaintiff the time to heal and manage financial issues. While the funds, which usually arrive in less than 48 hours, may be used to pay for anything, it is best to take care of medical bills immediately.

Many plaintiffs facing a long road to justice find litigation funding appealing, as it helps to handle day-to-day bills and monthly financial obligations while still allowing a financial cushion in the bank. Plaintiffs also have the security of knowing that if their case does lose in court, repayment of the funds received is unnecessary, with no strings attached.

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Litigation Funding