Litigation Funding Supports Dangerous Roadway Lawsuits
Although the majority of automobile accidents are due to driver error or driver distraction, sometimes an auto accident is actually caused by poor road design, construction, maintenance, or failure by the government to make road changes to adapt to new conditions. Dangerous roadway lawsuit cases are difficult and expensive. Government agencies will often argue that the accident was the result of driver carelessness. An experienced auto accident attorney can analyze all the evidence to determine if a dangerous road condition was the cause and seek compensation for losses incurred, but the legal process can drag out the claim for years. When this happens, many plaintiffs will look to settle their case too soon, for too little due to financially constraints. This does not need to happen! When all means of financial support are exhausted, litigation funding can help.
With litigation funding, plaintiffs get fast cash to cover critical financial obligations. At the same time their attorney can focus on seeking appropriate justice. All that is needed to be eligible for funding is a case with merit and legal representation. There are no application fee, no monthly payment, and credit rating and employment are not factors. If approved, funds would arrive within 24 – 48 hours by check or wire. Additionally, litigation funding is provided on a non-recourse basis meaning that repayment is only made once the case successfully settles. Lose the case, repayment is waived.
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an auto accident, Litigation Funding Corporation may be able to provide the financial support you and your family need while awaiting a settlement or other resolution in your case. Call or visit us online for a free case evaluation.
Tags: check, Dangerous Roadways, funding, litigation funding, Litigation Funding Corporation