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Litigation Funding Supports Hit-and-Run Accident Cases

A serious hit-and-run accident can lead to inevitable financial costs for the victim, let alone the emotional and psychological trauma that might accompany the accident. While a personal injury attorney can assist in investigating the accident and obtaining full recovery, the victim may be unable to return to work. Unfortunately, there are bills to pay and perhaps a family to consider. In times like this, litigation funding can be a useful resource.

Litigation funding is a mechanism through which a plaintiff can receive emergency cash when they may not have the funds to wait months, or years, to reach a settlement. With Litigation Funding Corporation, plaintiffs can get cash as quickly as 24 hours. All that is needed to qualify is a serious injury, a viable lawsuit, and be represented by an attorney. We do not require our clients to put up collateral or have sound credit. Best of all, our funding is provided on a non-recourse basis. What this means is that if the lawsuit does not settle, the lawsuit cash advance is not repaid. There are no out of pocket expenses or monthly payments. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on the funds’ use and can be repaid at any time prior to the lawsuit’s settlement or ultimate recovery.

Were you injured in a hit and run accident? If the at-fault driver is not found, you may still have a claim for injuries under your own policy, if you have uninsured coverage. Once you retain an attorney, if you need financial assistance to sustain the endlessly waiting for your case to settle, contact Litigation Funding Corporation. Applying for funding is quick and easy online or by calling our office. If we approve your request, we will immediately send you and your attorney our terms and cash offer. Should you accept our offer, you can have your funds in as little as 24 hours. Then, all you have to concern yourself with is recovering from your injuries while your attorney pursues the best settlement in your case.

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Litigation Funding