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Bicyclist Fatally Injured After Being Struck By Semi in Bike Lane

A 20-year-old woman was struck by a semi-truck carrying construction supplies as she rode her bicycle in a Chicago neighborhood. She was transported to an area hospital, where she later died.

Witnesses told police they saw the woman riding within the bike lane when the truck moved to the right and hit her, dragging her body nearly 100 feet before coming to a stop. The driver of the semi remained at the scene. He was issued citations for driving in the bike lane and failure to take due care for a bicycle in the road.

Business owners said the area is the busiest bicycle corridor in the city. One side of the street has a concrete divider with reflector sticks that separate the bike lane from traffic. There is no divider on the other side of the street, which is where the fatal accident occurred. Making it even more dangerous, is recent construction in the area that has closed some portions of the bike lane, forcing cyclists to veer into the middle of the street.
While the accident is under investigation, the Chicago Department of Transportation (DOT) says it will also conduct a review to see if safety improvements, if any, can be made. In the meantime, family members of the deceased may wish to consult an experienced attorney. If a lawsuit is pursued, the family can include lifetime loss of earnings, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of companionship.

Seeking compensation can take a long time as their attorney looks into driver negligence, as well as whether the roadway was knowingly dangerous. During this lengthy litigation process, the family may face financial hardship. Contacting a litigation funding company may be one of the most important decision they make in order to remain financially stable until a settlement is reached. With a lawsuit cash advance, the family can pay the rent or mortgage, make car payments, pay funeral and burial expenses, or simply put food on the table. There is no need for credit or employment checks or monthly payments, and repayment is made only after case settlement. If the case is lost, repayment of the cash advance is waived.

If you have a viable wrongful death case and are represented by an attorney, and if you need a way to handle the enormous financial impact following a fatal auto accident, contact Litigation Funding Corporation. We not only offer a complimentary evaluation of your case, but can often provide a funding decision within 24 – 48 hours.

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