Litigation Funding Helps Plaintiffs Negotiate From A Position Of Strength
Whether an auto accident was due to driver negligence or poor road conditions, innocent victims may be able to recover compensation for damages by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Litigation funding can be a financial lifesaver if you need help paying your bills while your case is pending.
A personal injury lawsuit can take a long time winding through the courts, time many plaintiffs might not be able to afford. Injuries can result in time out of work and medical bills can put an extra strain on already reduced finances. Insurance companies know this and will present a lowball offer. Although it may be a long road to achieving a fair settlement, it doesn’t have to be a financially bumpy one. With litigation funding, there is no reason to settle for less than full case value.
While many refer to litigation funding as a “lawsuit loan”, it really isn’t a loan in the customary sense. It is a cash advance against the proceeds you expect to receive when your case settles. The money can be used to pay medical bills, day-to-day living expenses, or any other financial obligations. Unlike a bank loan, there is no employment or income verification and credit score doesn’t matter; funding is based solely on the strength of the case. Additionally, there are no upfront fees or monthly payments, and no out of pockets expense. Repayment only occurs once the case successfully settles; if lost, the repayment is completely waived.
At Litigation Funding Corporation, we have streamlined the application process; it takes less than 5 minutes online or over the phone. Next, we will contact the plaintiff’s attorney for case documentation to determine eligibility for funding. If approved, cash can be available in as little as 24 hours, via direct deposit or overnight mail. If you are in need of short-term cash during your pending claim, contact Litigation Funding. We provide a free, no-obligation consultation and our professional staff will guide you ever step of the way to ensure the litigation funding process is not only timely, but hassle-free.
Tags: Auto Accident, Dangerous Roadways, Distracted Drving, Lawsuit Cash Advance, litigation funding, Litigation Funding Corporation, Personal Injury Lawsuit "Lawsuit Loan"