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Motorist Alleges Injuries by an Underinsured Driver

Victims of an auto accident have the right to seek compensation from a negligent party, whether through a settlement with the responsible driver’s insurance company or through filing a lawsuit. The best course of action is to contact an experienced attorney immediately to help preserve your legal rights. Once a claim is filed, if the victim is struggling to pay the bills, lawsuit funding may be an option.

In a recent auto accident lawsuit, the plaintiff alleges that in February 2016, he suffered bodily injury, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, incurred medical expenses and loss of earnings, as a result of driver negligence. He had underinsured motorist benefits on his insurance policy, but the insurance company failed to pay the claim. In order to seek justice, he hired an attorney and filed a lawsuit.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks judgment against the driver, the owner of the vehicle, and his insurance company for an undisclosed amount in damages.

Litigation Funding Corporation understands the importance of quickly meeting the financial needs of injured victims. With our litigation funding services, we can help plaintiffs make the mortgage payments, car payments, cover the rent or utilities, and even put food on the table. All that is needed to be eligible for a lawsuit cash advance is a strong case and attorney representation. Once we receive a request for funding and applicable documentation, a decision is usually made within 24 – 48 hours. There are no credit checks, employment verification, or monthly payments. Best of all, the cash advance is on a non-recourse basis meaning that repayment is only made if, and when, the case is successful settled. If the client loses, the cash advance is waived in its entirety.

If you are involved in a lawsuit and your ability to work is affected, the longer your case lasts, the more difficult it becomes to pay the everyday bills. Don’t settle for less just because you are in desperate need of money. Litigation Funding Corporation may be able to help you get back on your feet and avoid a financial disaster such as foreclosure, eviction, bankruptcy, and ruined credit.

Litigation Funding Corporation is one of a few legal funding companies where funding comes from our own resources. We never broker out, which means optimal privacy and confidentiality to you. Call us today to discuss funding options available for your case.

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Litigation Funding