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Litigation Funding Blog

Consider Litigation Funding Before Risking Your Credit

December 23, 2013

Tammy, a mother of three young children, can still recall the horrifying day when the phone rang while she was cooking dinner. When Tammy answered the phone, she knew instantly that something was wrong. Tammy’s husband, John, was killed in an auto accident on his way home from work.

As a stay at home mom, Tammy was quickly overwhelmed. With a budget already stretched, Tammy found herself with little savings and a lot of bills. The negligent driver’s insurance company continued to deny, delay, and defend the claim. Although Tammy consulted an auto accident attorney and filed a lawsuit, it did not speed up her case. Months were passing and a settlement was not in sight. The stress was taking a toll; she need cash fast.

As Tammy was cleaning up after the kids, she heard a commercial on the TV in the other room – “Do you need cash to pay your bills before your lawsuit settles?” Curious that help may be available to her, Tammy called her attorney to see if he was familiar with such a service. Tammy’s attorney told her that such financial help is provided by litigation funding companies and he immediately suggested Litigation Funding Corp. as the expert in the industry. After Colleen thoroughly explained how the funding works, Tammy applied for a $3,500 cash advance. She was approved the next day and her bills were paid in full. Eight months later, Tammy’s case settled for $1.2 million at which time Litigation Funding Corp. was repaid. Had Tammy lost her case, she would have owed us nothing. That’s because litigation funding is no-risk funding to plaintiffs.

If you are in a pending suit and struggling financially, don’t risk debt and a poor credit rating. Litigation Funding Corp may have cash for you! Our approval process fast and free! There are no upfront fees; no credit checks or employment required. Contact us today and we will be happy to assist you.

Litigation Funding