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Litigation Funding Blog

Newborn Dies Four Days After Birth, Mother Files Medical Negligence Lawsuit

October 25, 2016

Rachel Melancon’s baby died four days after delivery. The death was allegedly due to medical negligence.

Plaintiff Melancon’s baby was born in December 2013. Four days later the newborn, named Olivia, died, ostensibly as a result of the doctor’s delay and the use of forceps when the baby was in distress.

According to documents filed in this medical negligence case, Dr. George Backardjiev, attempted to use forceps to deliver the baby rather than ordering a C-section, despite the fact that the child was in distress and a natural vaginal birth was considered to be unsafe.

Nurses working with the physician, although allegedly uneasy about the situation, deferred to the doctor’s orders to increase Pitocin and keep Melancon comfortable. During the attempt at vaginal delivery, the physician attempted to use forceps three times. On two occasions they slipped and the doctor then ordered a C-section.

According to the lawsuit, by the time the C-section was ordered, the baby had sustained a partial skull fracture and brain hemorrhaging. She went into multi-organ failure and was removed from life support.

The jury in this case awarded the mother $10.2 million.

The medical bills in this case would have been extremely high, especially considering the child had to be transferred to another medical facility to receive critical care. The parents would have likely had to struggle to pay those expenses in addition to their own monthly financial commitments.

To meet those larger financial obligations, the Melancon’s could have researched litigation funding. It is the fastest and easiest path to get a lawsuit cash advance by simply completing a litigation funding online application that takes about five minutes or less. The Litigation Funding Corporation may be reached, toll free, at 1-866-LITFUND, from anywhere in the United States.

The next step is to speak with an attorney and notify them that a lawsuit loan company was contacted and that they intend to request information about the case. After that, the rest of the process is taken care of by the litigation funding and lawyer’s staff. If all things go well with the request for information, the pre-settlement funding may be received in 48 hours or less.

Litigation Funding