Gross Police Misconduct Costs $25 Million
April 28, 2010
You may remember this case; it made worldwide headlines when the incident leading to the litigation occurred. A 22-year old man was shot and killed by a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) officer. It began innocently enough; although several young men were celebrating New Year’s and began to become rowdy on the train. This drew the attention of the Transit police, who pulled them off the train after getting reports of a fight on board.
The young man and his friends were told to sit on the train station platform and were asked a series of questions by the police. Just down the platform, someone was videotaping the entire event. At the subsequent, wrongful death, police misconduct trial, the jury saw the video. It provided graphic evidence showing one of the Transit police putting the 22-year old man into a face down prone position, effectively pinning him to the ground. While he was on the ground and not resisting, another Transit officer stood over him and shot him in the back. Although the man was taken to hospital, he died seven hours later as a result of his wounds.
Eyewitnesses indicated the man was cooperating with the police, that he did not have a weapon, that he repeatedly asked his friends to cooperate with the police and asked officers, over and over, not to hurt him because he had a four year old daughter at home. The devastated family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the BART agency and the officer who shot the young man.
This family waited long and hard for justice. During that time they still had to pay all their bills and other the incidentals that come with daily living. They were faced with enormous medical expenses on behalf of their son while he was in hospital, the funeral and burial expenses. Who would care for his daughter and the expenses related to taking over her care?
Maybe the family made use of a service known as lawsuit funding; a lawsuit cash advance would have allowed them to wait for a just verdict in their son’s wrongful death case. Litigation funding is all about helping people to immediately pay their bills and expenses without having to settle their case for chump change to do so. The infusion of a lawsuit cash advance takes an enormous burden off victims’ shoulders.
Legal finance services are easy to apply for; their is no credit check and you do not need to be employed. And, repayment of legal funding is contingent upon your recovery; if you lose your case, you do not have to pay the money back. It may just be what you need to get the justice you and your family deserve.