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Litigation Funding Blog

Salmonella Hits Water Supply: One Dead; 2,000 Sick

June 11, 2010

Lately, it seems that there has been an increase in contaminated food in the marketplace; even more shocking are incidents of contaminated water. What and who can we trust, these days?

This case occurred in Alamosa, Colorado, after a salmonella outbreak was identified in the city’s water supply. 29 affected families filed lawsuits in 2010. This was not a ‘small’ outbreak; it hit hard, it hit fast, and over 2,000 people were ill and one is dead. Almost 40% of the city’s infants were experiencing symptoms.

Salmonella is tough for an adult to combat; it’s even worse for an infant. Many of the plaintiffs who filed personal injury lawsuits as the result of this outbreak, filed them on behalf of their children. An investigation has revealed that the water had been contaminated with animal feces containing salmonella bacteria; it somehow entered the city’s water supply in March 2008. The water was infected for a full week. The lawsuits indicate that the city water reservoir had not been cleaned/drained since 1984; it had holes and cracks and sediment of up to 18 inches at the bottom. And, shockingly, it had not been professionally inspected since 1997.

After the 2008 incident, the city water system was flushed for two weeks; a new treatment plant built. Of course, those after-the fact steps did not do much to mollify victims of what was called the “worst waterborne-disease outbreak in the US since 2004.”

Cases like this are tough to litigate and take time to come to some kind of resolution; either a settlement or a verdict. Any one of the 29 families may wish to inquire about litigation funding to assist them during their quest for justice in the case. Lawsuit funding is money for which litigants may apply, prior to resolution of their cases, to enable them to pay their bills now, while waiting for their cases to resolve.

It is easy to apply for litigation funding; often, one quick phone call or online visit will get a needy litigant started. Good uses for a lawsuit cash advance are medical bills, mortgage payments, car payments, tuition, groceries, etc.. Legal finance services permits litigants to wait for a fair and equitable resolution to their case without letting immediate financial concerns force them to settle too soon for too little compensation.

Litigation Funding