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Litigation Funding Blog

Family Filed Lawsuit over Death of Woman in a Florida Nursing Home

June 9, 2016

When considering a nursing home facility for your loved one, it goes without saying that you want to make sure he/she will be well-cared for and safe. Sadly, negligence and abuse in nursing homes is all too common resulting in serious injuries or death. When negligence occurs, a lawsuit may be an appropriate way for the family to seek justice and be compensated for their loss.

The family of an elderly woman who died in January 2015, is suing the nursing home entrusted with her care.

According to the lawsuit, a nursing assistant was changing the bed sheets with the bedrails pulled down when the patient fell off the bed. The suit alleges the woman was seriously injured, yet nursing home workers failed to provide proper medical attention and did not notify the woman’s family for three hours. The lawsuit also contends that despite the patient being a large woman, requiring two nursing assistants to move her, only one assistant was present at the time of the fall.

The patient’s daughter claims that despite her mother being totally unconscious and non-responsive, workers cleaned her up and put her back in bed. It wasn’t until family took the woman to the hospital that they learned she was not only covered in bruises on her head and shoulders, but she also suffered a broken hip. The woman died a month later.

According to the family’s attorney, there was a video camera outside the woman’s door, but the video recording has been deleted.

“We know that there was a video in the hallway that showed the certified nursing assistant and the nurse going in and out of the room and their state of mind,” said attorney Steve Watrel. “I’ve learned in the discovery process so far that the facility has destroyed that videotape, and we believe it’s an effort to hide what happened and hide who’s accountable.”

Nursing home lawsuits usually take years before a settlement is reached. With bills continuously adding up, the ability to wait for a fair settlement may not be an option without the help of Litigation Funding Corporation.

With litigation funding, plaintiffs can pay medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses, cover daily household expenses, or any purchase needed. There are no restrictions on how the lawsuit cash advance is used. Because lawsuit funding is not a traditional loan, factors such as employment history and financial standing are not required. The only concern is the validity of the lawsuit and the likelihood of its success. There are no monthly payments; we are repaid once the case settles. The money is provided on a non-recourse basis meaning it does not have to be repaid in the event of a lost case. Once the determination has been made to provide funding, cash can be made available in as little as 24-hours.

Are you currently in a pending nursing home lawsuit, but feeling the pressure to settle? Acquiring litigation funding can be the monetary flexibility needed to hold out for a greater settlement. Visit us online to complete our quick and easy application or call our office to discuss your financial needs.

Litigation Funding