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Litigation Funding Blog

Wrongful Death Lawsuit D.C. Train Accident Still Unresolved

June 28, 2011

June 22 marked the two year anniversary of the most fatal public rail system accident in 33 years. The accident occurred in Washington near the Fort Totten station when one commuter train rear-ended another during rush hour. Investigators determined that the cause of the crash was a malfunctioning electronic circuit. The train operator and eight passengers died. In addition, over 70 people went to local hospitals to be treated for injuries that ranged from minor sprains, cuts and bruises to life-threatening injuries.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) had previously recommended that the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Administration (WMATA) change these cars because the ability to make it through a train accident was not certain, but cost concerns prevented the WMATA from doing so. Could this devastating train accident have been avoided if the WMATA did not ignore the NTSB’s warnings? Were other warning signs ignored as well?

Lawsuits filed by victims and their families have been consolidated into one case. Although some progress has been made, the pending lawsuits may not be resolved until 2012. In addition to providing compensation to the victims, a wrongful death lawsuit can express the importance of following up on safety warnings before tragedies occur.

It has already been a long road in seeking justice for the victims and their families. As the litigation process continues, many victims may be experiencing difficulty paying the mortgage, rent, car payment, medical expenses, funeral expenses, and other important bills. What can they do until a settlement is reached?
One possible solution is lawsuit funding. A lawsuit cash advance will help pay the bills, relieve financial obligations, and provide the ability to wait for a fair and equitable settlement. Applying for pre-settlement funding is quick and easy; the process can be completed within 24- 48 hours. A lawsuit cash advance may be the strategic move to retain financial security while waiting for case resolution.

For more information on lawsuit funding, visit us at www.litigationfundingcorp.com.

TRAX Train Crash Kills Two; Severely Injures Two More

July 14, 2010

No one will really know why a young man decided to try to cross railway tracks while the crossing arm was coming down and signaling an oncoming train. The man was trying to maneuver around the barrier when the car he was driving, which belonged to his father, was hit by a TRAX train. The impact of this auto-train collision killed the young driver and a passenger; two other passengers were critically injured.

The family of one of the injured passengers has filed a personal injury lawsuit naming the driver, his father and his father’s employer (I presume the vehicle was owned by the company for the father’s use). The suit alleges the father let his son drive despite his bad driving record and habit of not paying attention to traffic rules. The young plaintiff was permanently injured in the auto-train collision.

It is likely that the other families of the other victims will consider pursuing lawsuits, as well. This was a horrific crash and they are entitled to seek compensation for their losses.

After all victims retain counsel and pursue lawsuits, they and their families may want to ask questions about the possibility of accessing lawsuit funding. A “litigation loan” could be a smart move for a family wondering how they were going to pay for the care of their injured child for the rest of their lives.

Pre-settlement funding is something that lets the victims deal with their medical expenses, therapy, etc., right away and then take care of other pressing financial business, like the mortgage and car payments.

A lawsuit cash advance will help them wait for a just and equitable verdict in their favor; it they are approved, funding can be completed within 24-48 hours, by check or wire. It is free to apply and funds are only required to be repaid if the case is settled or won. If you lose the case, the money is yours to keep, free of charge.

Litigation Funding