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Police Taser 10 year old At Day Care

In what is likely one of the most shocking cases people have read about, two Martinsville, Indiana police officers pulled out a Taser and shot a 10 year old boy at a daycare center. According to the report, the officers felt he was out of control and they used the Taser to suppress him. Both officers were put on administrative leave.

The incident began when the Tender Teddies Day Care called the police due to a ruckus the 10 year old boy was causing at the center. When the police arrived, they found the ten year old shouting and incessantly kicking. He evidently appeared to be so out of control that in order to subdue him and keep others and the boy from harm, the police slapped the child and then felt the need to taser him. The police had been to the same daycare facility other times in response to reports about the same child.

It’s not clear what injuries the 10-year-old boy sustained, but suffice it to say his parents will likely be seeking legal counsel to deal with this particular incident. Tasers have the potential to do some serious harm when used on adults; used on children it’s a completely different ballgame and anything may happen.

There is also the matter of slapping the child across the face which may have caused serious harm as well, including the possibility of traumatic brain injury if the blow was hard enough or struck in just the right place to snap his neck back and forth rapidly.

Depending on the boy’s injuries and their anticipated duration, the child might require long-term medical care. If so, the family might want to not only file a lawsuit, but also find out about litigation funding to assist with the medical and care expenses. While lawsuit funding companies cannot provide funding to minors, they can provide medical care funding that is the responsibility of and will be reimbursed to a child’s parents. Their attorney will need all the relevant details of this case in order for him to tell the family their rights to recover compensation if there were any injuries. It might be possible in this instance to reach a personal injury settlement out of court.

If it doesn’t look like the case will settle, then court would be the next step. This is where the lawsuit funding would come in handy. It’s easy to find out if a person qualifies. All they need to do is apply online or call. Applying is free and there are no up-front fees and no monthly payments. If they do qualify for a lawsuit cash advance, they would be able to pay their medical bills immediately, and hopefully get counseling assistance for their son.
Legal finance lets the family wait for a just and equitable resolution to this case. If they lose their case, they don’t have to repay the pre-settlement funding.

Litigation Funding