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Man Falls Down Elevator Shaft When Doors Open Between Floors

In this case, a man filed a lawsuit against a building owner for negligence in properly maintaining an elevator. The man alleged that when he leaned against the elevator doors, they sprung open causing him to plummet fifteen feet down the elevator shaft. The plaintiff contended that the elevator was negligently maintained by the defendant and that the defendant’s failure to properly maintain the elevator was the direct proximate cause of his accident. Specifically, the plaintiff contended that the safety device which normally prevents an elevator from opening when the car is not level with the landing malfunctioned. The defendant claimed that the elevator is on a regularly scheduled maintenance check, and he was unaware of any defects. Upon a detailed investigation, it was determined that the elevator had several deficiencies. The plaintiff was awarded compensation for damages and loss wages.

Elevator injuries are similar to premises liability lawsuits. The owner of a building is responsible for properly maintaining an elevator and if someone is injured as a result of negligent maintenance, the owner can be legally responsible for injuries. When a person is the victim of an accident directly related to the failure or malfunction of an elevator, they have the legal right to seek compensation for damages. In this case, it is easily apparent that someone was at fault; elevators won’t malfunction at will. For individuals who have experienced similar accidents, being able to financially wait out the time it takes for your attorney to seek justice is paramount.

Due to the complexity of elevator lawsuits, the litigation process in these types of accidents may be far off. For some people pre-settlement funding is a way to make it through the long and tedious process of waiting for a settlement. A lawsuit cash advance for some people can provide the financial security of paying bills while waiting for a fair and full settlement from their claim. If you are in need of a lawsuit cash advance, begin by applying online. Don’t worry about a bad credit history or unemployment. With us, those don’t matter. There are no monthly payments, either. Best of all, with our company you only repay the cash advance if you win your case. With lawsuit funding, you can get back financial control of your life.

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