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Litigation Funding Blog

Frog Masks for Kids Recalled for Suffocation Risks

December 29, 2011

These days, products for kids are not made with safety in mind. Here is yet another product recall for a mask capable of suffocating a child.

We do not know what happened to common sense when it comes to making items for children, but the long, long list of recalls relating to kids products is terminally depressing. Kids cannot fend for themselves and figure out if something is bad for them. They do not stop to think about choking on a button, swallowing a moving part or suffocating in a crib or stroller.

What is wrong with manufacturers that they do not take the care and caution necessary for small ones? Typically the reply is that they are too busy trying to make money and child safety does not matter to them. If it did, you would not see some of the dangerous items being marketed in the name of greed we see on the market today. For instance, this latest recall relates to a children’s frog mask; a mask that is cute, but deadly and could suffocate a child.

It seems the masks do not have proper ventilation and when placed on a child’s face, may pose a serious threat to breathing. If the masks are being made for kids, why on earth don’t the makers make the ventilation cuts larger? How difficult is that? These plush green and red masks have two eye cutouts and the usual elastic band to fasten the mask on the child’s head. The UPC code is 06626491474, in case you bought one for Halloween or a dress up or birthday party for your child.

The recall for this product was voluntary and the mask may be returned to any Target store that sold the mask for a complete refund. That deals with those parents who heard about the recall and did something about it. It does not deal with the parents that did not hear about it and may come across such a mask in a garage sale or silent auction.

Would the mask maker be liable for any suffocation deaths as a result of a child dying from using their mask? It is likely they would, despite the recall, as the product would be considered to be defective. Should a death or serious injury occur, the family would likely be able to file a personal injury or a wrongful death, defective product lawsuit.

What would the parents do to pay medical bills, household expenses and other bills related to the incident? Most families do not have extra money lying around to pay a lawyer, unless they have some financial assistance. The answer to this dilemma is that they may hire a lawyer and then contact a litigation funding company about pre-settlement funding.

A lawsuit cash advance is an emergency lawsuit loan to help a plaintiff get back on their feet financially and deal with all their bills. This money is there to back them up while they wait for their case to be resolved. Legal financing is very easy to apply for, and you must have an attorney working for you before you fill out an application form.

If the lawsuit loan is approved, the money may be used for anything that is important, but typically, it is used immediately to pay pressing medical and other bills. Once financial pressure is handled, the plaintiffs may sit back and let justice take its course.

Daren Monroe writes for Litigation Funding Corp. To learn more about lawsuit funding and litigation funding, visit Litigationfundingcorp.com.

Has Your Family Suffered A Wrongful Death?

What could be more devastating than learning of a loved one’s death due to the negligence and carelessness of someone else?

Any act of negligence – an auto accident, medical malpractice, inadequate care, defective product – that results in death is a potential wrongful death claim. Damages can include loss of future income, medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses, loss of consortium or love and affection.

A wrongful death attorney understands how devastating the loss of a loved one can be and can help you seek the compensation you deserve. Unfortunately, a wrongful death claim can be difficult to handle. For example, it must be proven that a doctor’s performance was below the minimum standard of professional conduct before. If a defective product was involved, the defendant might allege that the victim did not use the product with the intended use, and therefore contributed to his/her own death. Additionally, the lawsuit may be hard fought and dragged out for years as the defendant and insurance company deny, delay, and defend the claim. Such delays can put a financial burden on the family, but the insurance company doesn’t care. As the bills pile up, plaintiffs may feel the pressure to settle too soon, for too little; the exact situation the insurance company hopes will happen.

If you in a pending litigation but need cash to pay your current bills and living expenses, you may be able to leverage your expected settlement with a “lawsuit loan.” Applying for litigation funding is easy with our online application process. There are no credit checks or employment verification. Best of all, you pay nothing until you successfully settle your case. We assume all the risk, so if you lose your case, you owe us nothing. Call or visit us online; we can approve your application quickly and get you the cash you need within 24 – 48 hours. Contact us with any questions or concerns.

Ugly Accident Claims Seven Lives

December 15, 2011

This decidedly deadly traffic accident killed seven and sent four to the hospital.

There are accidents that you wish you had never seen, as the memory of them haunts you long after you have witnessed the carnage. This accident is one of those accidents that caused deaths and horrendous injuries. Thankfully, there were no other vehicles involved in this accident.

This wreck happened in Bristol, Indiana and was the result of a minivan hitting a deer. The van, which was carrying 10 passengers, slowed down and stopped in the eastbound lane after the impact. Shortly after it halted, the van was hit from behind by a tractor-trailer, sending both vehicles up onto the center median after the crash.

The van’s occupants never stood a chance to get out of that mess alive, and emergency first responders were amazed to find three people with vital signs when they sorted through the wreckage. Two of those victims were airlifted to medical care, and the third was taken to the nearest trauma center. The trucker was also taken to the hospital. EMS crews had the awful task of declaring seven of the van’s occupants dead at the scene.

What happened here? Was the trucker speeding? Riding too close to the van? Driving distracted? How could the trucker have missed a van sitting in the middle of a highway if he had been paying attention? These are questions the police will be trying to find answers to over the course of their investigation. Those who did survive will be able to file personal injury lawsuits. Those that died will likely have their families file wrongful death lawsuits.

What does a family do to pay the high medical bills and other expenses associated with a death or family member receiving medical care to recover from a bad wreck while they wait for their case to go to court? One of the best answers is to apply for a lawsuit loan from a litigation funding company. A lawsuit loan, also referred to as pre-settlement funding amounts to being an emergency lawsuit cash advance, specifically designed to let plaintiffs get out of the hole financially.

The litigation funding will carry them through until their case is either resolved through the process of a negotiated settlement or going to court and having a verdict rendered. Legal finance is easy to apply for and will, if you are approved, significantly reduce your financial stress.

In the right set of circumstances, legal financing may be the right choice for you. Make that call today and find out if you would be eligible. You must have a lawyer handling your case before a litigation funding company is able to assist you.

Daren Monroe writes for Litigation Funding Corp. To learn more about lawsuit funding and litigation funding, visit Litigationfundingcorp.com.

Teen’s Parents File Wrongful Death Suit One Month after Fatal Accident

December 1, 2011

A 15-year-old Santa Barbara teen was fatally struck by a flatbed truck while crossing the street in a crosswalk on October 7, 2011. While the investigation into this tragic auto accident is ongoing, the driver of the truck does not appear to have been driving under the influence or distracted by a cell phone.

One month later, his parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit alleging that the 19-year-old driver of the truck was negligent. The suit also claims that the driver violated various statutes, codes, and ordinances including speeding. The couple seeks compensation for funeral and burial expenses, hospital and medical costs, loss of wages and use of property, and loss of love, companionship, and affection.

It is not uncommon for an injured victim or the family of a deceased loved one to experience a gap in their finances potentially creating a significant financial hardship. Waiting for the settlement from a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit can take a long time and put you and your family in financial ruin. Fortunately, Litigation Funding Corp. has a means to help.

We provide lawsuit funding, a cash advance against your pending settlement. With pre-settlement funding, a plaintiff can pay medical expenses, funeral expenses, or any financial obligations. Suffering injuries are the loss of a loved one is enough of a hardship; don’t succumb to a financial hardship as well.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident and are undergoing serious financial challenges while waiting for your settlement, contact Litigation Funding Corp. With our quick application and approval process, you could have the funds you need within 24 – 48 hours. Best of all, we offer a fast, non-recourse cash advance; you don’t have to pay back the “lawsuit loan” unless you are successful in winning your case. Call or visit us online to apply or for a no obligation consultation.

Family of Woman Crushed By Train Files a Wrongful Death Suit To Discover Truth

November 22, 2011

Often the truth is indeed stranger than fiction. This case is no exception to that observation.

The witnesses to this awful accident will remember it for years to come. They will remember watching, almost as if in slow motion, a woman running alongside a light rail train and being crushed to death as she fell under the wheels. The local medical examiner identified the victim as 26-year-old Jessica Lubken of Denver, Colorado.

While the details of this case are a bit sketchy, it appears the woman was running beside the slow moving RTD light rail train at about 1 p.m. in the afternoon and was vigorously banging on the doors to be let in. She fell and slid under the train wheels. Even though emergency crews were able to get her to the hospital alive, her injuries were too severe for her to survive. She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival.

The investigation report indicated that the train’s conductors are not supposed to let passengers off or on the train anywhere other than at clearly demarcated train stops. That being said, one eyewitness indicated to police that she saw the conductor motioning for the woman to come around to the side of the train. The witnesses’ conclusion was that the man was indicating for the woman to get onboard, which will be an important point of consideration in any wrongful death lawsuit filed by the woman’s estate.

Other witnesses in the vicinity also saw her get hooked on the train and dragged at least 30 feet before the train could be brought to a complete halt. Some also commented that the woman seemed to be drunk. The train’s conductor will be screened for drugs and alcohol and further investigation would be completed to find out how the woman managed to get under the train.

There is not much doubt that the Lubken family will want to speak to a personal injury lawyer about their daughter’s death. It would have been incredibly distressing for them, and they would not know what their rights were in connection with her death. They would also be faced with medical costs and other bills that they would have to find a way to pay in addition to the rest of their monthly expenses. Not every family has that kind of money on hand.

After speaking with an injury attorney and filing a lawsuit, the family might want to consider applying for litigation funding, also referred to as a lawsuit cash advance or pre-settlement funding. These are funds paid in advance of a court verdict or settlement that allows the plaintiffs to pay all of their bills and then wait for justice.

The plaintiffs apply, either online or by phone, provide case details, have their case assessed by the litigation funding company and then approved. After the 24-48 hour approval process, the pre-settlement funding is wired into their bank accounts. It is a very simple process and the money may be used for any important reason, although the plaintiffs are advised to pay their medical and other expenses promptly.

Lawsuit funding puts plaintiffs back on their feet when they need financial help the most. Additionally, litigation funding offers crucial leverage to turn down inadequate offers from the insurance company. Insurance representatives are often more concerned with using the plaintiffs’ financial desperation to get a lower settlement.

Daren Monroe writes for Litigation Funding Corp. To learn more about lawsuit &ufding and litigation funding, visit Litigationfundingcorp.com.

Injured Victims Can Survive the Holidays with a “Lawsuit Loan”

November 21, 2011

Is a personal injury and pending lawsuit causing a budget pinch this holiday season? If so, then you may want to consider a lawsuit funding. Often times described as a “lawsuit loan”, lawsuit funding is a non-recourse cash advance against a pending lawsuit.

After a serious injury from an auto accident or medical malpractice negligence, insurance companies are less likely to settle and more willing to deny, delay, and defend. This often leaves plaintiffs with mounting medical bills and other while they wait for a fair settlement. With the holidays upon us, many personal injury victims are feeling the financial pressures associated with the long litigation process. With lost wages, pain and suffering, and ongoing medical treatment, a plaintiff may be wondering how to get through the holidays.

Fortunately, there is an answer – lawsuit funding. If you’re waiting for compensation from a personal injury lawsuit and need cash now, we can help. We provide “fast cash” that can be used to pay important bills and help you enjoy the holidays. Our cash advance is not a “lawsuit loan” because unlike a traditional loan, there are no upfront fees or monthly payments and you only repay the cash advance if, and when, you win your case. If you lose your case, you owe us nothing. That’s right – no recovery, no repayment.

Don’t be forced into an unfair settlement. Get the cash you need for the holidays this year with a lawsuit cash advance. Let a “lawsuit loan” give you peace of mind this holiday season. Apply online or call us 1.866.LIT.FUND.

Auto Accident on Icy Highway Claims Three Lives

November 15, 2011

A fatal auto accident in Washington is a sad reminder of how dangerous icy highways can be this winter. Police said that at approximately 6:30 on Saturday morning, the driver of a Toyota pick-up truck lost control on an icy stretch of the highway, spun sideways, crossed the center line, and was hit broadside by a tractor trailer. The driver of the pick-up, his passenger, and a passenger in the tractor trailer were killed upon impact. The driver of the semi-truck was not injured.

It is easy to forget about wintry driving conditions especially early in the season, but drivers need to be ready. Whether it’s a dusting of snow or a patch if ice, winter roads can be very dangerous. Icy conditions usually require us to drive at less than posted speeds. Slow down and give yourself time to stop. This is also a good time to remind drivers to check the condition of all tires, antifreeze levels, and put a survival kit in all vehicles in case of an emergency.

The families of the victims may seek legal counsel to learn their rights in the wrongful death of a loved one. After retaining an attorney and pursuing a lawsuit, they may want to ask questions about the possibility of accessing lawsuit funding. A “litigation loan” could be a smart move for a family wondering how they will make ends meet financially without a breadwinner or to simply pay additional expenses associated with the accident. Pre-settlement funding helps victims deal with unexpected bills and then take care of other pressing financial business, like the mortgage and car payments.

A lawsuit cash advance can help them wait for a just and equitable settlement. If approved for a lawsuit cash advance, approval can be provided within 24-48 hours, and a check wired to your account. It is free to apply and funds are only required to be repaid if the case is settled or won. If you lose the case, the money is yours to keep, free of charge. To learn more about lawsuit funding, visit www.litigationfundingcorp.com.

Unexplained Trench Collapse Sends Man To Hospital In Critical Condition Says Michigan Litigation Funding Corporation

November 14, 2011

Construction worksites are usually considered to be accidents looking for a place to happen. This case was no exception to that rule.

“Anthony Marbach got up and went to work like usual the day of the accident. He figured it would be a day like any others; work hard, go home and crash and maybe spend some time online with friends. The 23-year-old construction worker was not expecting to be partially buried on the job,” outlined Daren Monroe, who writes for Litigation Funding Corporation in Southfield, Michigan.

Marbach worked for a Manchester, Iowa excavating company and he was in a trench when the walls suddenly gave way, burying him in dirt up to his waist. They were digging the trench in order to connect drainage tile from one farm field to another.

It took more than two hours to dig him out, at which point in time the EMS crews took him to hospital for emergency care. He was listed in critical, but stable condition. “He will have a long road to recovery,” added Monroe, “and his medical expenses will be astronomical. How will he pay for that?”

And another, even better question, is how did the dirt wall of the trench collapse when they are supposed to be shored up securely? OSHA will be looking into this to determine if a third party was at fault, or if the contractor or excavator violated safety rules in this instance. But still the man must deal with an increasing amount of medical bills and if he can even afford them.

“Chances are that he could not pay them and in order to handle them, he would need to hire an attorney to see about obtaining compensation for his injuries,” Monroe indicated. “While waiting for his case to go to settlement or court, he could check into legal funding and get back on his feet once he is approved for that.”

In Iowa, most injured workers with a contract or who work mainly in Iowa are eligible for benefits if they get hurt on the job. “There are some classes of workers that are exempt from the law, and not eligible for benefits, and this is one other reason to retain a personal injury lawyer to have someone fighting for your rights,” said Monroe.

“However, a law also pertains to independent contractors, limited liability members and partners,” he remarked. “It states they are not considered to be employees. This too is something a lawyer will need to look into for you, as in some states, workers can’t sue an employer who is providing workers’ compensation.”

All things being equal, if the worker can take his case to court for compensation, he will be in a position to apply to a litigation funding company for a lawsuit cash advance to fund his case until it is resolved. That would mean the man would have access to an emergency lawsuit loan to help him pay all of his important bills and other expenses right away. He would then be in the position of being able to turn down any offers made by an insurance company.

The pre-settlement funding is a lifesaver for plaintiffs in this type of situation. It enables them to take care of their bills and offers them peace of mind and financial security while they are waiting for justice. It just takes a phone call or an online application to trigger the pre-settlement funding application process.

To learn more about lawsuit funding and litigation funding, visit https://www.litigationfundingcorp.com/.

Speeding While Drunk Leads to Three Accidents and Six Injured People

November 4, 2011

The more campaigns there are to stop people from drinking and driving, the more people figure it does not include them in that statistic.

This three vehicle collision left six people with serious injuries just because the at-fault driver wanted to have an extra drink or two and then drive. What a bad decision. An even worse decision was made when the driver went through a stop sign, which resulted in the car hitting a truck and another vehicle trying to avoid the wreck, but instead, crashing into the corner of the intersection.

The force of the impact was so significant that one of the vehicles landed on its side, trapping the driver in the wreckage. EMS crews had to extricate that driver to get him to the hospital, where he was listed in critical condition. There were also six others rushed to area emergency rooms for medical attention. Those six were listed in stable condition.

According to police reports of the 2 a.m. crash, speed and booze were factors, and the finger points back to the driver that decided he did not need to obey a stop sign and sped right through it into the side of a truck. It was complete mayhem at the accident scene, with EMS crews trying to do triage and extracting trapped drivers, and the police trying to sort out who caused the mess in the first place.

Until all the blood tests taken at the hospital were confirmed, charges would be held in abeyance. However, it is likely the driver of the car that ran the stop sign will be charged with DWI among other things. And the survivors of this mess? They will most likely be checking around for a personal injury lawyer to find out how to obtain compensation for their medical expenses and other costs.

Some of them might even sue the drunk driver and while they are waiting for their case to go to court, they would need cash to pay their bills. Since that will be hard to come by if they are not working, they could check into sourcing litigation funding.

If the drunk driver’s conduct is deemed negligent, and it would be hard to think it was not, since he chose to drive while drunk, his insurance would help the injured in this case handle their enormous medical bills. But litigation can take months, even years, to come to an end.

How will these families deal with their horrendous medical bills on top of their regular monthly expenses? If they have filed a lawsuit, they can apply for lawsuit funding from a lawsuit loan company. Legal funding is easy to apply for and helps victims out of their awkward debt situation until a verdict is handed down or they reach an equitable settlement with the other side.

Pre-settlement funding is a lawsuit cash advance, which is an emergency loan that allows the plaintiff to pay off important bills and expenses. Plaintiffs will then have the time and money to wait for justice, and in the meantime they can turn down inadequate offers from insurance companies.

If you have been injured in an accident thanks to someone else’s negligence and you are filing a lawsuit with a seasoned injury attorney, litigation funding is worth checking out. It will pay your bills while you wait for a fair resolution to your case.

Daren Monroe writes for Litigation Funding Corp. To learn more about lawsuit &ufding and litigation funding, visit Litigationfundingcorp.com.

Amusement Park Mishap Causes Attendees Serious Injuries From Pool Chlorine

October 21, 2011

The last thing you expect to happen when you go swimming is to be overwhelmed by a chlorine leak.

Amusement parks have glitches, but major ones are not the normal course of business. This case happened in Sacramento, California at the Raging Waters Park in its wave pool. The park was full the day of the accident, everyone was having fun, when suddenly the pool water turned a disgusting color of green, started to bubble and people in the area started dry heaving. Something was terribly wrong.

It was August 15, 2011 and a huge cloud of the chlorine had been released into the pool. People could not breathe, their throats were dry and raspy, eyes started to tear. It was hard to navigate to the side of the pool to get out and run. No one knew what was going on, not even the lifeguards. It was sheer panic as partially blinded, wheezing people frantically headed as far away from the pool as they could get.

This leak was serious, and city fire officials declared it a level-two hazardous materials incident. An investigation revealed that there had been a mechanical failure in the system that delivers the liquefied chlorine to the pool. That glitch released too much chlorine at once and nine kids, eight adults and three park employees were taken to the hospital for medical care. There is an ongoing investigation into this matter and what caused the failure that led to this potentially deadly leak.

All of the victims involved in this incident would likely want to talk to a personal injury lawyer. They will need to pay their medical expenses, somehow. Out of the 21 people harmed, those seriously affected by the chlorine will need more intensive medical care. How would they take care of their medical bills and regular household expenses? Injuries like this often cause a wealth of financial problems for the victims and their families.

After hiring experienced attorneys and filing lawsuits, the families may want to consider applying for litigation funding, also referred to as pre-settlement funding or a “lawsuit loan”. This is money paid in advance of a court verdict or settlement. The plaintiffs apply, provide the details of their case, have it assessed and approved. After the 24 to 48 hour approval process, the litigation funding is wired directly into their bank accounts. It is a very simple process and the money may be used for any important reason.

Lawsuit funding helps to put plaintiffs back on their feet at a time when they need financial help the most. In addition, a lawsuit cash advance provides critical leverage to decline insufficient offers from the greedy insurance company, which often uses plaintiffs’ financial desperation to get them to agree to a lower-than-full-value settlement.

Daren Monroe writes for Litigation Funding Corp. To learn more about lawsuit &ufding and litigation funding, visit Litigationfundingcorp.com.

Litigation Funding